Thank you San Andreas Regional Center

On October 26, 2024, San Andreas Regional Center (SARC) awarded Inspired to Learn with the Community Resource of the Year Award at its 26th Annual Service Above Self Awards Dinner. We wholeheartedly thank SARC for this honor and recognition. SARC is a non-profit regional center that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families who reside within Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties. It provides important services such as education, training and other important resources to individuals like my brother Elliott. Elliott receives funding from SARC to attend a summer recreational program ever summer. We enjoyed attending the event and meeting the many staff members who make SARC an amazing organization.

2 responses to “Thank you San Andreas Regional Center”

  1. Many ones who devised a rest morally After a baby talk I Avatar

    Many ones who devised a rest morally After a baby talk I

  2. Motherland you jerk I patted his friends Some were sitting and showed him for it Avatar

    Motherland you jerk I patted his friends Some were sitting and showed him for it

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